Sunday, September 5

The hairbrush challenge

Let me preface this post by admitting (or reassuring you?) that I don't watch Big Brother. As a social experiment I think it's actually a fascinating idea, but when put into the hands of TV producers the reality gets edited to the point it's as fake as if it were scripted. So I don't think it's worth giving my precious time to. I'd rather while away the time reading kinky blogs and tweeting about the minute detail of my day.

Anyway this is not a post about that show (or indeed about what I consider to be a good use of one's time!). But although I don't follow Big Brother, I was intrigued by this headline when I came across it:

Ultimate Big Brother housemate Brian Dowling had to plunge his hands into a pile of nettles in a bid to win contestants a party for the evening

My curiosity suitably piqued I read on. The contestants, it transpired were set the challenge of undertaking a a series of painful tasks for 3 minutes, without making a sound. One had to put his hands in a bowl of nettles, another had to search for a needle in a hay stack and another had to crawl over rows of upturned hairbrushes.

It couldn't have been all that bad seeing as they managed to successfully complete the challenge. Whereupon they were subsequently rewarded with lots of beer in the hope (no doubt) they would get sufficiently drunk to have an orgy or confess they have a crush on Tony Blair or whatever makes compelling TV these days...

Personally, I would have much preferred if it were the contestants that were upturned (over a convenient knee) and the hair brushes applied rightfully and vigorously. It would have been a more painful task indeed. Not to mention far more entertaining for us kinkier folk watching. And I really doubt they would have been able to stay silent for the whole 3 minutes!

I can't help wonder if I could take 3 minutes of the hairbrush without crying out either. I've certainly never tried. It's an implement I very rarely strive to be brave for, I want the top to get a very clear understanding of how much it hurts. Now I can do 3 minutes quietly of most other things yes, even the spray birch, but not so sure about the hairbrush. And to be honest I'm not really sure I want to find out the answer!

What about the rest of ye? By all means please feel free to carry out the experiment for me and report back!


Abel1234 said...

Am I the only reader to think that Emma Jane shouldn't delegate the experimentation to others, and that she should have her own curiosity duly satisfied? ;-)

Karl Friedrich Gauss said...

I really don't think she could pull it off. Not that I'm suggesting she try or anything.

Melanie said...

I'm pretty sure the question you asked us to research was whether you could take three minutes in silence. Thus, the only way for anyone to carry out the experiment is with the use of your behind. I'm sure I can think of a couple tops that wouldn't mind doing all of us the favor of satisfying our newly piqued curiosity. When's the next time you see Abel or HH?

Though, perhaps a more interesting experiment would be to discover what percentage of spankees can maintain their silence. Of course, this would still require you to try your luck. I'll gladly volunteer my derriere as well. Though, you'll have to wait a while for my results to come in since my man is on the other side of the country.

Haron said...

I'm very taken by the idea of crawling over hairbrushes, actually. I wonder why this kind of pain makes acceptable TV entertainment, while a spanking would have no doubt caused a scandal. Hmm.

P.S. Three minutes with a brush? Forget it! Silent or not!

Anonymous said...

SURE, it's possible if you bribe the Top.

EmmaJane said...

Dear readers, I have no intention of trying this one out, unless as Bandree suggests and I can bribe the top!

Sarah said...

There is no way on Earth that I could take 3 minutes of being spanked with a hairbrush silently, very much doubt I could take 3 minutes even bawling my eyes out...and don't want to try!

I would, however, happily watch other people giving it a go... :-)

Zille Defeu said...

You have heard of "Silent Library," right? If you haven't, I think it will perk your interest!

EmmaJane said...

Peeps stop trying to get me to do this challenge! Neither HH or Abel could be nice about it. And with not not hairbrushings I'm begging 10 seconds in!

Anyway I'm not sure I could stay silent for a whole three minutes at all, regardless of whether I was being whacked ;-)

@Zille ha ha ha, brilliant, def inspiration for a spanking game in their somewhere!